
From Matt's study Note(1)

Position ID: mCd4BCmwu8GAUA
1. Cubeful 4-ply bar/22 24/20 Eq.: +0.4450
0.6846 0.2343 0.0134 - 0.3154 0.0634 0.0012
4-ply cubeful prune
2. Cubeful 4-ply bar/22 13/9* Eq.: +0.4438 ( -0.0013)
0.6594 0.3046 0.0371 - 0.3406 0.0941 0.0046
4-ply cubeful prune
3. Cubeful 4-ply bar/22 6/2* Eq.: +0.2799 ( -0.1651)
0.6189 0.2615 0.0283 - 0.3811 0.1119 0.0052
4-ply cubeful prune

XG says 0.050 better to play 24/20. gnu 2ply does not agree, but 4ply agree.

From Matt's note:

I don’t think Mochy, Michy, or I really looked at the best play of just anchoring. That doesn’t overextend our position and creates the threat of making the 4pt next roll. We could make the 9pt after our play but it leaves 5 blots instead of 1 and doesn’t make the 20pt, and getting hit is not good, particularly if we throw a bad number from the roof.

I agree. We have a prime. If we anchor at 20pt, Opponent can't prime us, that means one-sided game which we can prime him. Hitting play let opponent to hit back and fight back decently, since board strengths are almost same.

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