

X:Player 1   O:Player 2
Score is X:0 O:0. Money session, Jacoby Beaver 
 | O  O  O  O  X  O |   | X  O             |
 | O  O  O  O     O |   |    O             |
 |    O           O |   |                  |
 |                  |   |                  |
 |                  |   |                  |
 |                  |BAR|                  |
 |                  |   |                  |
 |                  |   |                  |
 |                X |   |                  | +---+
 | X     X  X  X  X |   |                  | | 2 |
 | X  O  X  X  X  X |   |    X  X          | +---+
Pipcount  X: 99  O: 79 X-O: 0-0
Cube  : 2, X own cube
X on roll, cube action

Analyzed in XG Roller+
Player Winning Chances:    66.57% (G:  5.03% B:  0.08%)
Opponent Winning Chances:  33.43% (G: 11.00% B:  0.43%)

Cubeless Equities: No Redouble=+0.268, Redouble=+0.566

Cubeful Equities:
       No Redouble:   +0.483
       Redouble/Take: +0.418 (-0.065)
       Redouble/Drop: +1.000 (+0.517)

Best Cube action: No Redouble / Take

eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.20

1 件のコメント:

  1. ロールアウト結果です。僅差でDTと言ってますが、実戦の選択で満足です。相手がパスする可能性は0だったと思いますし、61(8/2*/1) ->DanceでDTした人がいたわけですから。


    Analyzed in Rollout
    No Double
    Player Winning Chances: 67.52% (G: 4.91% B: 0.07%)
    Opponent Winning Chances: 32.48% (G: 10.54% B: 0.39%)
    Player Winning Chances: 69.31% (G: 4.62% B: 0.09%)
    Opponent Winning Chances: 30.69% (G: 11.65% B: 0.54%)

    Cubeless Equities: No Redouble=+0.291, Redouble=+0.623

    Cubeful Equities:
    No Redouble: +0.501 (-0.001)
    Redouble/Take: +0.501
    Redouble/Drop: +1.000 (+0.499)

    Best Cube action: Redouble / Take

    625 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
    Dice Seed: 1341
    Moves and cube decisions: 4 ply
    Confidence No Double: ア 0.006 (+0.495<E<+0.507)
    Confidence Double: ア 0.013 (+0.488<E<+0.515)

    Double Decision confidence: 53.8%
    Take Decision confidence: 100.0%

    Duration: 6 minutes 54 seconds

    eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.21
