

X:Player 1   O:Player 2
Score is X:0 O:0. Money session, Jacoby Beaver 
 |                  |   |                O | +---+
 |                  |   |                O | | 2 |
 |                  |   |                O | +---+
 |                  |   |                O |
 |                  |   |                8 |
 |                  |BAR|                  |
 |                  |   |                  |
 |                  |   |    X             |
 |                  |   |    X             |
 |                  |   |    X             |
 |                  |   |    X  X          |
Pipcount  X: 24  O: 8 X-O: 0-0
Cube  : 2, O own cube
O on roll, cube action

Analyzed in Rollout
No Double
  Player Winning Chances:    78.76% (G:  0.00% B:  0.00%)
  Opponent Winning Chances:  21.24% (G:  0.00% B:  0.00%)
  Player Winning Chances:    78.74% (G:  0.00% B:  0.00%)
  Opponent Winning Chances:  21.26% (G:  0.00% B:  0.00%)

Cubeless Equities: No Redouble=+0.575, Redouble=+1.150

Cubeful Equities:
       No Redouble:   +0.816 (-0.184)
       Redouble/Take: +1.129 (+0.129)
       Redouble/Drop: +1.000

Best Cube action: Redouble / Drop

  1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
  Moves and cube decisions: 3 ply
  Confidence No Double: ア 0.001 (+0.815&;tE<+0.816)
  Confidence Double:    ア 0.002 (+1.127<E<+1.131)
  Double Decision confidence: 100.0%
  Take Decision confidence: 100.0%
  Duration: 0.1 second

eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.21

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