

X:Player 1   O:Player 2
Score is X:6 O:3 9 pt(s) match.
 | X        O  O  O |   | O     O        X |
 |          O  O  O |   |                X |
 |                O |   |                X |
 |                O |   |                X |
 |                  | X |                  |
 |                  |BAR|                  |
 |                  |   |                  |
 |                X |   |                  |
 |                X |   |    X           O |
 | O           X  X |   |    X           O |
 | O           X  X |   |    X           O |
Pipcount  X: 159  O: 145 X-O: 6-3/9
Cube  : 1
X to play 11

    1. Rolloutケ    Bar/23 24/23 6/5             eq:-0.214
      Player  : 48.33% (G:14.40% B:1.33%)
      Opponent: 51.67% (G:15.13% B:0.83%)
      Confidence: ± 0.050 (-0.264<E<-0.164)
      Duration: 46.3 seconds

    2. Rolloutイ    Bar/23 24/23 8/7             eq:-0.251 (-0.037)
      Player  : 46.18% (G:14.85% B:2.81%)
      Opponent: 53.82% (G:16.92% B:0.73%)
      Confidence: ± 0.271 (-0.522<E<+0.020)
      Duration: 4.8 seconds

    3. Rolloutウ    Bar/23 8/7(2)                eq:-0.748 (-0.534)
      Player  : 41.46% (G:12.56% B:1.93%)
      Opponent: 58.54% (G:28.14% B:1.59%)
      Confidence: ± 0.073 (-0.821<E<-0.675)
      Duration: 1 minute 06 seconds

    4. 2 ply       Bar/24 8/7(2) 6/5            eq:-0.446 (-0.232)
      Player  : 44.21% (G:13.01% B:0.72%)
      Opponent: 55.79% (G:20.38% B:1.53%)

    5. 2 ply       Bar/24 8/7(3)                eq:-0.485 (-0.272)
      Player  : 42.78% (G:12.28% B:0.55%)
      Opponent: 57.22% (G:19.79% B:1.17%)

ケ 135 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
  Moves and cube decisions: 3 ply

イ 13 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
  Moves and cube decisions: 3 ply

ウ 134 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
  Moves and cube decisions: 3 ply

eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.21, MET: Rockwell-Kazaross

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