XGID=-a-B--E-B---dD--ac-cc---AA:0:0:-1:00:1:1:0:9:10 X:Player 1 O:Player 2 Score is X:1 O:1 9 pt(s) match. +-1--2--3--4--5--6-------7--8--9-10-11-12-+ | X O O | | O O X | | O O | | O X | | O O | | O X | | | | X | | | X | | | |BAR| | | X | | | | X | | O | | X | | O | | X X | | X O | | O X X | | X O | +24-23-22-21-20-19------18-17-16-15-14-13-+ Pipcount X: 153 O: 142 X-O: 1-1/9 Cube : 1 O on roll, cube action Analyzed in Rollout No Double Player Winning Chances: 71.49% (G: 24.86% B: 1.16%) Opponent Winning Chances: 28.51% (G: 6.41% B: 0.10%) Double/Take Player Winning Chances: 71.42% (G: 26.03% B: 1.26%) Opponent Winning Chances: 28.58% (G: 6.55% B: 0.37%) Cubeless Equities: No Double=+0.649, Double=+1.390 Cubeful Equities: No Double: +0.945 (-0.055) Double/Take: +1.162 (+0.162) Double/Drop: +1.000 Best Cube action: Double / Drop Rollout 416 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Moves and cube decisions: 3 ply Confidence No Double: ア 0.023 (+0.922<E<+0.968) Confidence Double: ア 0.045 (+1.117<E<+1.207) Double Decision confidence: 100.0% Take Decision confidence: 100.0% Duration: 3 minutes 34 seconds eXtreme Gammon Version: 1.21, MET: Rockwell-Kazaross
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